At first blush, Magic Realm missile weapons appear to be extremely powerful.
For example, the longest melee weapon in Magic Realm (the spear) has a length of 10. The missile weapons, by comparison, have lengths of 12, 14 and 16, meaning they attack first in round 1 (since longer weapons hit first during that round).
Just as impressive, missile weapons have an alerted speed of 1 (red side up), meaning missile weapons hit first in the second and subsequent combat rounds, as the fastest melee weapon has a speed 2.
Lastly, the light and medium bows have two sharpness stars, meaning they do heavy and tremendous damage, respectively, while the heavy crossbow, with its single sharpness star, does tremendous damage.

If a character hits with a missile weapon, the player rolls two 6-sided dice, takes the higher of the two rolls, and consults the missile table.
The probability of rolling a particular number by rolling two 6-sided dice and taking the higher number is summarized in the following table.

And unlike melee weapons, you get no benefit for playing a stronger fight chit when firing missile weapons. It does not matter whether you play a light, medium, heavy or tremendous fight chit with your light bow, as you get no benefit from the overswing rule that increases melee weapon harm if a higher fight chit is played.
So except for a few Magic Realm characters like the Woodsgirl or the Elf, who have special missile weapon advantages, there is little point in employing missile weapons in the game.
Really interesting read. If I can get my group to play, I might try to use the online version.
And thank you for the dice table. I love that kind of stuff. Probabilities and such.
I like the fact that bows are situational; need the right character and the right situation, otherwise bows would be too powerful. But a hidden Woods Girl can kill the Tremendous Troll, the toughest monster in the game, 1 out of 6 chance, and then flee if she misses.
George said...
Really interesting read. If I can get my group to play, I might try to use the online version. And thank you for the dice table. I love that kind of stuff. Probabilities and such.
Hope you have some success. Every person i've taught to play has had a great time. I'm a probabilities geek myself.
John said...
I like the fact that bows are situational; need the right character and the right situation, otherwise bows would be too powerful. But a hidden Woods Girl can kill the Tremendous Troll, the toughest monster in the game, 1 out of 6 chance, and then flee if she misses.
I don't like the uncertainty that comes with missile weapon use. I'd rather know that I can kill a monster or I can't. I'd hate to go up against the Octopus wielding a bow, for example. Come to think of it, I don't want to confront the Octopus, period.
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