Most of us are already familiar with this old-school classic, but here it is again: A Paladin In Hell, by David C. Sutherland, a black and white illustration appearing on page 23 of the 1978 Advanced Dungeons And Dragons Players Handbook (thank you, Akrasia, for the correction). This illustration ranks up there, with Emirikol The Chaotic and a few others, as my all-time favorite D&D artwork.
It's certainly one of my favourite illustrations. I did a Saturday Night Fight Club on this very picture - here's the link to the post.
Actually, I’d have guessed that it’s on your favorites list. After all, a fragment of it, seat’s atop your blog ;)
Like George, I am shocked--shocked!--that its one of your favorites. ;)
But I think its one of most right-thinking people's favorites.
I remember that picture... I'd always thought the hilt of the paladin's sword was just a little crooked... doesn't seem to be exactly in line with the blade. Always bothered me.
Man oh man--- this picture is *engraved* in my memory, forever.
Thanks for posting it.
I'd like to think that Emrikol is responsible for the paladin being there ...
Who did the color version, I wonder?
It appears to be a virtual clone of the original b&w (which is what I'm familiar with).
Word verification: bulsial...a Bull with a spiny fan on its back. The fan changes colors when the Bull is frightened.
I'd give a kidney to get a new Trampier illustration of this paladin fighting Emirikol.
I'd give a kidney to get any new Trampier illustration...
Great illustration...crap module
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