Another case in point are these two lizardmen sculpts, which harken back to those early lizardman images, burned in my brain from rule-sets and adventures long past.
The only thing better than these lizardmen scupts: more lizardman scupts! I'd love to see a half-dozen or more of these lizardmen, along with a lizardman leader (perhaps enough to run Module N1, Against The Cult of the Reptile God?).
Hey there,
I just recently received my first haul of Otherworld miniatures. I picked up the 3 basic orc sets and the 3 basic goblin sets.
I'm pretty excited about painting these. However, it has been MANY years since I painted minis and I'm a bit nervous. I might have to start with a couple oldies to get back in the groove before I move on to the ones from Otherworld.
Are you painting your own minis?
Yes, i'm painting my own figs.
I think you've got the approach dead-to-rights. Spend some time painting your old figs before taking on the new ones, so you can get some practice in.
My solution was to buy some plastic figs from GW first. That way, if I ruin a couple it only cost me a buck or two.
These look spectacular! I've been wanting some good lizardmen figs for a while. In fact I've held off for the better part of a year hoping something might come along--and they have!
Now if I could only get them at my FLGS. The shipping (plus the conversion rate from pounds to USD) is just too high at the moment.
P.S. Whoever painted the ones in the photo you posted has me seething with jealousy! :)
The only thing that could make these look cooler is if they had been frogmen... ;)
I like your paintjob on these! I have the exact same, I'll be painting them sometime soon. I'll definitely look at your pictures for some inspiration. Thanks for sharing!
(Word verify: poomen - the worshippers and human minions of otyughs.)
Thanks for the compliment! Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for that paint-job, I grabbed that image from the otherworld site.
Oh, sorry! Heh. I'm an idiot.
Lizard men are my 2nd fav, frogmen being 1st. I totally wish they'd make a whole set like they've done with the other humanoids.
Not that I can justify their great prices.
I don't recall frogmen, is that the Kuo-toa?
Kuo-toa work, also Slaadi. But for me frogmen will always be Frogloks. Oh, so many hours spent running away from big mouthed, hop gaited Frogloks.
Are these from Everquest? I am embarassed to admit that i've never played EQ, though my wife plays it ocassionally.
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