I've already posted a number of pieces of artwork from The Fantasy Trip. Here are some illustrations by Pat Hidy, whose artwork appears in several Metagaming microgame titles.
I always preferred the black and white Pat Hidy pieces. The color cover (above) of the Death Test microquest is by Pat Hidy, as is the black and white illustration (below) that appears on the inside front cover. I much prefer the illustration below. Thought I have little use for much of what comes out of The Forge, I do like this article entitled "Naked Went The Gamer" by Ron Edwards, about the sanitizing of Dungeons and Dragons art.
I promised one of my commentors that I would post the "Oops, I crapped my pants" giant from Death Test. Here he is. This giant appears pretty formidable, but I have a difficult time taking his oversized diaper seriously.
I dare you to laugh at him...
I've always loved that first picture you posted. It's always been my image for ALL OUT ATTACK whenever a game presents that as a tactical option.
I'm really enjoying this series of posts on TFT. I really like the art from the games. Even the bell-bottoms.
I concur with Narmer, great series. I've only recently encountered TFT. I'd love to run a game of it. Your posts are really making me want to break out my copies of Advanced Meele and Advanced Wizard.
Thanks for being such a champion of TFT. Back in the day, I played almost as much TFT as AD&D. The game was equally well suited for vanilla heroic fantasy or a more gonzo approach.
I figured out quite early on that playing a ST 12/DEX 12/INT 8 broadsworder wasn't nearly as much fun as playing a mad molotail throwing chemist/physicker with sex appeal. Yeah, TFT!
Gratuitous Saxon Violence said...
I've always loved that first picture you posted. It's always been my image for ALL OUT ATTACK whenever a game presents that as a tactical option.
It's a Pat Hidy, though I still prefer the B&W illustrations.
Narmer said...
I'm really enjoying this series of posts on TFT. I really like the art from the games. Even the bell-bottoms.
Glad you likee! The artwork from the first few TFT products certainly were a product of the 70's.
Johnathan Bingham said...
I concur with Narmer, great series. I've only recently encountered TFT. I'd love to run a game of it. Your posts are really making me want to break out my copies of Advanced Meele and Advanced Wizard.
I do intend to get around to the Advanced/Labyrinth series.
Scallop Skulled Skald said...
Thanks for being such a champion of TFT. Back in the day, I played almost as much TFT as AD&D. The game was equally well suited for vanilla heroic fantasy or a more gonzo approach.
I figured out quite early on that playing a ST 12/DEX 12/INT 8 broadsworder wasn't nearly as much fun as playing a mad molotail throwing chemist/physicker with sex appeal. Yeah, TFT!
Not sure if TFT was the first fantasy game to use professions and skills, but it was simple enough that it was a pleasure to fiddle with.
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