Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Witch: Day 25

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day  7
Day 8  Day 9  Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14
Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19 Day20 Day21

There are only four days left in our Magic Realm game.  The Witch has met her initial victory conditions and is looking to pad her final score by killing the monsters in the Cliff and collecting treasure from the Octopus Pool.

Yesterday, the Witch prepared both black magic chits, and removed the curse laid upon her by the Imp.  Today, she will record three searches, in an attempt to find the secret passage to the Pool, and will record two move phases (one due to her workhorse) in the hope that she will find the passage during those first three search attempts. 

Players are permitted to record actions at the start of the day that their character is not yet capable of performing.  If the actions cannot be performed during their turn, they are cancelled.  So if the Witch does not find the secret passage today, today's regular and workhorse-related move actions will be cancelled.

While the Witch searches for the secret passage, the Witch's familiar will search for the hidden path in the adjacent clearing.  There is no point in having the Cat join the Witch in the secret passage search: the Cat can only use the "Peer" table, which does not allow for the discovery of secret passages, only hidden paths.

Witch: Search, Search, Search, Move-Cliff 6, Move-Cliff 6
Familiar: Peer, Peer, Peer, Peer
Today's monster die roll is a 6: Giant Bats.  This is a good roll for the Witch, as it will summon three Giant Bats to Cliff clearings 1 and 2.  The Witch hopes for a second daily monster die roll of 6 before the end of the game, as that will bring the three Bats to whatever clearing the Witch is in.

The Witch's familiar peers four times, but fails to find the hidden path.  The Witch's first search reveals the secret passage to the Pool, so the second and third searches are wasted.  The Witch then moves to Cliff 6 (the clearing containing the Pool) and ends her turn.
At the end of the Witch's turn, one Bat is summoned to clearing 1, and two Bats are summoned to clearing 2.

Meanwhile, the Sorceror and Black Knight meet up in Borderland 3 and trade with each other.

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day  7
Day 8  Day 9  Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14
Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19 Day20 Day21

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