Monday, March 3, 2014

Witch: Day 13

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Day 13 is another travel day for the Witch, as she heads towards the southern entrance to the Caves, location of the Hoard and the Tremendous Flying Dragon.  The Witch searched the Inn yesterday, recovering a shield.  She will perform another loot action today, and then move three clearings to Bad Valley 4. 
With only two horses remaining at the Inn, the Witch only has an 8% chance of recovering one of the workhorses with her single loot action.

Meanwhile, the Witch's familiar will take a small detour towards the High Pass, to investigate it for monsters and treasure sites.

Witch: Loot, Move-Evil Valley 4, Move-Evil Valley 1, Move-Bad Valley 4
Familiar: Move-Borderland 6, Move-Borderland 4
Once again, the monster die roll is a 4.  As the Witch will end her turn in the Bad Valley, she is safe from any monsters today.

The Familiar moves to Borderland 4.  The Witch loots, and remarkably, recovers one of the workhorses.
That result is most fortunate, as it will allow the Witch to make an extra move into the Caves tomorrow.  The Witch immediately activates the workhorse (she won't get any benefit from the workhorse today, but she wants to make sure that the step of activating the horse it is not forgotten).
Day 13 for the Witch and her cat familiar ends uneventfully.

The Sorceror and Black Knight continue to loot the House during Day 13, with the Black Knight gifting a shortsword to the Sorceror.  The Sorceror was smart to ask for the shortsword; not because she needs to participate in combats, but because she can now record an "Alert" phase in her daily activities, and if no monsters appear, she can alert the weapon instead of her magic chits during her alert phase.  This ensures that the Sorceror does not need to fatigue her magic chits unnecessarily. 

If you are playing the Sorceror in a multi-player game, always try to obtain a light weapon from one of the other players so it can be used as an alternate alert target (obtaining light weapons directly from the Soldiers is difficult for the Sorceror, as they are unfriendly to her).

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day  7
Day 8  Day 9  Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14
Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19 Day20 Day21

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