Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Witch: Day 4

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The Witch begins Day 4 in the Cliff, surrounded by a multitude of monster and treasure chits.  She wants to leave the Cliff as soon as possible, for Bats can be summoned here, which she can neither kill nor escape.

The Witch is still looking for a Tremendous Troll or the Tremendous Flying Dragon.  Both provide her with a monster strong enough to be worth absorbing.

The Witch's next destination is the Cavern, but she cannot reach the Cavern today, since she can only use the two basic phases if she spends any time underground.  She also needs to rest, as she has two fatigued Type V black mana chits.

On Day 4, the Witch will move twice, to Ruins clearing 2, and Rest twice to recover her chits.

The Witch will not bother hiding in the Ruins.  If the Serpents are summoned, they will appear in clearing 6, far away from clearing 2, and if the Dragons are summoned, she can run away from the Heavy Dragon, towards Ruins clearing 1.

Witch: Move-Ruins 1, Move-Ruins 2, Rest, Rest
Familiar: Peer, Peer, Peer, Peer

Today's monster roll is a 3: Goblins and the Octopus.  The Witch's familiar performs four Peers, discovering the Bones W chit in the Nut Woods.  Bones summons the Ogres on a monster die roll of 3, but the Witch's familiar never causes monsters to be summoned to the board.
The Witch moves twice to Ruins 2, and Rests twice.  The Slither 6 and Smoke C chits are turned face up, but neither summons monsters, so Day ends uneventfully for the Witch.

Meanwhile at the Inn:  the Black Knight and Sorceror continue to loot the treasures at the Inn, recovering two more horses.  The Patrol appears at the end of the day, and the Sorceror vaporizes one of the horses with her Fiery Blast, then melts into mist as the Black Knight finishes off the associated Patrolman before running away.

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day  7
Day 8  Day 9  Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14
Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19 Day20 Day21

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