Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Orgies Inc.

Others have provided their own observations and critiques of this article, appearing in Dragon Magazine #10, October 1977.

I, likewise, applaud the proposed DnD variant for experience point acquisition.

My purpose in posting this old Dragon article is two-fold: to once again highlight the delicious whimsy of old school Dungeons and Dragons art (the above orgy scene is by the incomparable David Trampier), and demonstrate the inclusiveness and tolerance apportioned to different gameplay approaches during the early years of the hobby.

The idea of rules variants is a big-tent approach to Dungeons and Dragons. The big-tent approach was thrown under the bus as DnD transitioned from game to property (and this happened a lot earlier than some of us would like to admit) and the DnD community was impoverished by it.

Here's the first page from the Dragon article on alternative experience point acquisition. For those of you who are not already familiar with its contents ... enjoy.


  1. Ahahaha, I want to frame the header photo and hang it on my wall!

  2. The Fred Fields "Paladin In Hell" or the Trampier "orgy"?

  3. Finally! A way to figure out my D&D Constitution in the real world. All I've gotta do is find some orgies...

  4. Finding the orgies is the easy part. You know what happens if you exceed the number of days allowed by your constitution don't you?

  5. I love Tramp's orgy scene.

    These rules make having an 18 Con even more worthwhile!

  6. LOL. As Trey points out, only if that's your real-world Constitution!
