Sunday, January 22, 2012

There's Only One Artist For The ADnD Reprints

The question is, can Wizards Of The Coast convince him to abandon his self-imposed exile and complete three manual covers?


  1. I had the same thought. Just the fact that Wizards is doing the reprints in the first place is a good indication that hell has frozen over, so getting Trampier to do the covers might not be as far fetched as we think! :-)

  2. If you're talking more modern artists, I'd be happy with Todd Lockwood or Donato Giancola.

  3. If Tramp did new artwork for the re-release, I'd buy at least two of each.

  4. Hah! If Trampier does the cover art for the 1e reissue, I'll buy the whole set!

    I'm not going to hold my breath though :P

  5. If Trampier really hasn't done art in 20+ years, what are the chances he'd be up for the task even if Wizards convinced him to give it a go?

  6. Wishful thinking.

    It will be one of the terrible modern high fantasy artists, more than likely. Folks at wizards are tone deaf to low fantasy.

  7. So...replacing the original & iconic Trampier art on the PHB is being done why? Sure the MM really deserves a fresh cover, and the DMG could get re-done without too much real argument or concern...but the PHB? Leave it alone. Trampier got it right then, and it's still right now. It's classic. Keep it just as it is.

  8. I'd be in favor of Tramp for sure...Who wouldn't? But how about Otis? He's still in the game and producing all sorts of wonderful stuff.

    I agree w/ garrisonjames though, if you could leave just one of the books as a "base line", it would have to be the PHB. But I understand that WotC is trying to connect them thematically. For whatever that's worth.

  9. In a better world Trampier would still be creating wonderful images like these. *sigh* At least his amazing *internal* art will be retained in the reprints!
