Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Because Inquiring Minds Need To Know

Yesterday's exciting announcement from Wizards Of The Coast, that the next iteration of Dungeons and Dragons is under development, promises to open all sorts of new vistas and avenues for creative types (like those found in the Old School Renaissance) to influence the direction of official D&D.

Vital, important questions will be explored in our quest to create the ultimate D&D version. As with all such development projects, we are obliged to start with the most critical and pressing design decisions, and work our way down the list.

You can't even begin to imagine my state of mind therefore (which bordered on delirium) when the design group posed their first question to the gathered masses.

In case you're curious, I voted kobolds.

I can't wait to participate in further acts of community engagement.


  1. I am glad they are already hitting us up with the hard decisions.


  2. I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders.

    Although I have to wonder, who are those people who chose skeletons, and why are they playing D&D. Aren't skeletons more of a Pathfinder thing?

  3. I'll have you know I'm all for the skellies and have never played Pathfinder in my life!

  4. I know! Orcs makes no sense. But there's still time. Kobolds could still pull out in a win here if only ... did you just say skellies?

    Lynch the PF turncoat!

  5. Me? A turncoat? Who is the one waiting to paint a Paizo mini's white snake?

    Friggin' Paladins...

  6. Make sure all your friends vote on this very important matter. And remember, Kobolds is the choice of the sophisticated and urbane D&D player!

  7. Skeletons have a Morale of 12, won't negotiate, and are immune to sleep.

    They're a good choice if you want to stick the players with a total party kill in the first twenty minutes of play.

  8. Kobolds would seem the obvious choice to me. Orcs have the potential to be nasty in proper force and array for first-level-types.

  9. It's good that they tackle this. No other issue has occupied the blogs and forums the way this has.

    One can only hope we will see PEACE IN OUR TIME.

  10. Its tearing us apart, its true.

    The solution is to merge all four monsters, into the skelegoborcobold (try saying that quickly four times) so as to end the monster wars.
