Friday, November 18, 2011

Winter Is On Its Way

This is the view of my culdesac this morning. Its garbage and recycling day today, so all of the bins are on the street.


  1. I wish that winter had a face, so I could stab it over and over again with a meat fork.

  2. Snowed here a little tonight. It's cozy inside, though. Prime gaming season starts after Christmas!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here in Finland, autumn has been exceptionally warm this year. There has been a couple of days below 0°C, but no snowfall yet, and according to the long-term forecast the trend seems to continue, at least for a while. Which is nice, it seems that each year I tolerate ice and snow less and less. Although I'm sure we'll get those northeasternly Siberian winds here eventually...

  5. Wait a sec. Isn't this the same photo you've posted in mid-November for the last two years? If I recall your MO, you'll soon be soliciting advice on how to host a USA-style Thanksgiving feast. You'll act surprised when told that children will stick black olives on each of their fingers before dinner.

    Paladin in Citadel indeed! I believe you're some AI project stuck in a recursive loop. In which case where is the real Pal?

  6. There were some flakes floating about the other day, but nothing has settled on the ground yet in our glorious capital.

  7. Could you send a little cool air down to Texas? It was in the 80s (Fahrenheit) here in the Austin-San Antonio area over the past week.

  8. I wondered as well if this was the same from last, but ... I don't recall the bins. So I'm guessing it's a new picture.

    Had snow yesterday morning. Looked so pretty driving to work. Gone by time I got home, it was.

    Have a great weekend. Keep warm.

  9. We had 9" of snow right before Halloween. Since then, we've had some rain and lots of cold weather. And a week of 60 degree weather.

  10. Dr Rotwang! said...
    I wish that winter had a face, so I could stab it over and over again with a meat fork.

    For those of us that have to endure these sorts of winters, we understand the sentiment.

  11. gregarious monk said...
    Snowed here a little tonight. It's cozy inside, though. Prime gaming season starts after Christmas!

    It's 0 F (-18 C) here right now. Stay inside for sure!

  12. rainswept said...
    We got buried last night... about 10cm by 6am. Naturally the wind was from the back of the house so drifted the driveway big time. Still, it makes for good sledding on the hill in the nearby park.

    My kids love sledding. You'd better when you live somewhere with 6 months of winter.

  13. Squeeck said...
    Here in Finland, autumn has been exceptionally warm this year.

    I always presumed that you had hardy winters like us, or are yours moderated by being so close to the water?

  14. Spawn of Endra said...
    Wait a sec. Isn't this the same photo you've posted in mid-November for the last two years? If I recall your MO, you'll soon be soliciting advice on how to host a USA-style Thanksgiving feast. You'll act surprised when told that children will stick black olives on each of their fingers before dinner.

    Paladin in Citadel indeed! I believe you're some AI project stuck in a recursive loop. In which case where is the real Pal?

    Please submit all questions in triplicate. You will receive a response in 6-8 weeks. End transmission.

    I will be even more surprised when i'm told that you eat the children's fingers after they are adorned with olives.

  15. Zzarchov said...
    There were some flakes floating about the other day, but nothing has settled on the ground yet in our glorious capital.

    I'm guessing by flakes you mean CPC MP's.

  16. Desert Scribe said...
    Could you send a little cool air down to Texas? It was in the 80s (Fahrenheit) here in the Austin-San Antonio area over the past week.

    Perhaps we could institute a weather-swapping program in the OSR community. I could handle some 80 degree weather for a week or two.

  17. The Happy Whisk said...
    I wondered as well if this was the same from last, but ... I don't recall the bins. So I'm guessing it's a new picture.

    LOL, and I braved -20 degree weather to snap this picture for you folks!


  18. Dan said...
    We had 9" of snow right before Halloween.

    That's a lot of snow.
