Saturday, June 11, 2011

Canadiana: Rush

Here's another obscure Canadian band.

Rush - Tom Sawyer

Rush - Spirit Of The Radio

Rush - Fly By Night


  1. YES!!!!!!

    (does Beavis & Butthead-style headbanging)

    I saw these guys last September in San Antonio, and they sounded awesome.

    Have you seenRush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, the documentary about the band?

  2. Canada's greatest rock band. Hands down. Saw them in Montreal in April. It rocked. Classic roleplaying music.

  3. I don't think Rush has been obscure since the mid 70's. :P

    I saw them live for the Test For Echo tour in Pittsburgh in the 90's. They sounded fantastic.

  4. LOL! I guess I should have put /sarcasm at the end of my introductory sentence ...

  5. I'm going to have to be the odd man out this time. I hate Rush. There, I said it.

    *ducks barrage of rotten tomatoes*

  6. Yeah, somebody brought this up the other day and I realized what had been missing while I'm working on my project. When I got my first (the Holmes box) they were on the turntable constantly. Loaded the first 9 back onto the media server, set the playlist and magic happened.

    Rush-They F****** Rock! (Carl voice from ATHF)

  7. Dr Rotwang! approves. In fact, I have done you the honor of re-writing your national anthem for you:

    O, Canada
    The home we share with Rush
    And Loverboy
    And Rick Moranis, too.

  8. All this is well and good, but where's Celine Dion?!

  9. One of my friends, who likes to rank everything, has put them in his "Top 5 Rock Trios of All Time" list, along with the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Nirvana.

  10. I'm with Sean on this one!

    *brings out bag of aerodynamic green tomatoes*

    The band-that-must-not-be-named is one of the main reasons I first grew to hate CanCon regulations and the CRTC.

    There was no justification for subsidising all the crap these guys churned out while they were milking it internationally.

    Not to mention the mental anguish and aural damage inflicted on us just to fulfill the CRTC's quotas for the local AM radio station...

    Give me verisimilitude in falling damage tables any day!

  11. I love Rush. Awesome. Have seen them live twice. They will be in Phoenix on Thursday and I'm toying with going again.

  12. Love, love, love them.

    I don't think people really just how much of a sense of humor these guys have until you see them live.
