Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter And Maximum Joy

I'm not sure that this song is related to Easter, in any way, but it certainly has a good news, celebration theme to it. It doesn't hurt that it is from Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Frankie say, Happy Easter!

On glory day we'll get the gifts of heaven
All around you hope and joy
Can you feel that maximum joy
Rolling around like a brand new boy
Rain and sunshine from heaven
Feel the wonder of sun rain and thunder
Unravelling life's mysteries
Free at last
Let dreamers dream and lovers leap
I pray for you our souls to keep
Free at last
I will catch and keep you like a rainbow in my room
And tie you to a star that's rising, dancing on the moon


  1. Happy Easter to you and all those in your Citadel.

  2. Have a great day to you and your family. I remember you make the heart attack potatoes for Thanksgiving, but what do Canadians eat for Easter?

  3. Trey said...
    Happy Easter to you and all those in your Citadel.

    Thanks Trey, happy Easter to you!

  4. The Happy Whisk said...
    Have a great day to you and your family. I remember you make the heart attack potatoes for Thanksgiving, but what do Canadians eat for Easter?

    Thanks girl, happy holiday and all the best to you and Tim. This year it's ham and scalloped potatoes, I suggested, Turkey but was shouted down!


  5. Turkey was shot down. lol. You crack me up.

    Went to the market last night and they had a ton of turkeys. Thought about getting one to chop up and freeze but then I got side tracked by the chickens and pork tenderloins that were on sale.

    Ham, I'm still not used to the taste of yet but Tim LOVES it. Scalloped potatoes ... now that's some good eats. Num num num.

  6. The Happy Whisk said...
    Ham, I'm still not used to the taste of yet but Tim LOVES it. Scalloped potatoes ... now that's some good eats. Num num num.

    You can do just about anything with potatoes!

  7. Happy Easter! Belated for the day, but it is a season too. Hope it was/will be a great one for you.

  8. Thanks Padre, it was a great Easter weekend. I voted in the advance poll for our national elections (election day is next monday). And my kids asked some really good questions about the holiday.
