Sunday, March 20, 2011

Freezy Freezy

As Pat predicted, more snow arrived, annihilating my enthusiasm and optimism.

Ah, well, tomorrow's another day.


  1. we got some flurries and the temperature dipped last night... I was almost ready to declare that we would have no more snow until Spring, but I think we were both wrong ;)

    Soon... very soon!

  2. Freezy Freezy. lolololololol. Another great title. More snow, eh? I don't know if we'll escape it or not. Tim's thinking we'll get another dump.

    Thanks about Ethel. I just love her. We have a water thing on her but our water is so so awful, that instead of using the water thing, I just use the ice container for ice cream and other frozen treats.

    So I'd say Happy Spring but maybe instead, happy almost, possibly, end of winter ...

    Have a good one, Paladin.

  3. retrorpg said...
    we got some flurries and the temperature dipped last night... I was almost ready to declare that we would have no more snow until Spring, but I think we were both wrong ;)

    Where are you blogging from, Jeff?

  4. The Happy Whisk said...
    Thanks about Ethel. I just love her. We have a water thing on her but our water is so so awful, that instead of using the water thing, I just use the ice container for ice cream and other frozen treats.

    We've got pretty good water here. We've had our fridge for 12 years, but the freezer's been acting up.

  5. Oh, I miss having good water. We used to have great water but then they came in and changed the system and Yucksville City. Glad you guys have the good stuff. May it always be so.

    We're headed out to take a spring equinox drive. Hope you guys have a great Sunday, too.

    PS: This is when our fridge died and we
    lived out of the snow. I enjoyed it because it was a fun culinary challenge.

    Happy soon Spring.

  6. We're making progress toward Spring, we had the first sunny day in months a couple days back. It's cloudy but at least the winter rains have stopped.

    Seeing Mt. Rainier and the Cascade Range during the day always makes me smile.

    Our water is really foul tasting here, near Seattle. Thank goodness for water filters. I've lived in several places, and a few states. The water seems to be bad most places in the U.S.

  7. Lovely time of year- the temperature can fluctuate 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the course of a day.

  8. Darned La Nina, the little brat!

  9. Just popped by to see if you went inside the game store yet. Tim and I went to one last weekend. No video but I did think you and have the urge to walk two blocks away, and then come back.

    Hope you're week is going well and that the snow has melted.

  10. The Happy Whisk said...
    Just popped by to see if you went inside the game store yet. Tim and I went to one last weekend. No video but I did think you and have the urge to walk two blocks away, and then come back.

    LOL! I see i'm never going to live that one down!

    Hope you're week is going well and that the snow has melted.

    We had a nice warm day yesterday, and the snow was melting fast and furious.

  11. Not ever. It's just to great to forget. Kind of like Johnathan being a Hot Elf Chick. So fun.

    Glad to hear the snow is melting by you. Snowing here now as I write this. I put my Calvin and Hobbes snow fall back up because burr, it's still cold.

    Have a great weekend. Tim and have our anniversary this weekend and get this, we both have three days off in a row. Woohoo.

    Have a yummy day, Paladin. Catch you next time.

    PS: Tim just asked, "who are you writing to?" I said, "Paladin." He said, "What are you writing him a book?"

    Blogging is so fun. Happy Almost Weekend. Here's to sunshine and pretty flowers.

  12. Congrats on the anniversary and time off together; you two make the most of it!

    Me and my spouse are coming up on 15 wonderful years this summer.

    Here's hoping for spring to arrive!
