Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mid-Winter Blues

The sky is gray, it's cold outside, and the snow is piled high around the driveway. The perfect prescription for the mid-winter blues!

This coming Monday (February 21) is Family Day, a provincial holiday created back in the early 1990's when the-then Premier of Alberta (your U.S. equivalent would be State Governor) discovered his son had been arrested for drug possession, and wanted to do something to encourage closer families.

Prior to that, it was quite a stretch between the holidays of New Year's Day and Good Friday.

Now, if they could just come up with some excuse for a statutory holiday in March...


  1. In Manitoba, Monday is Louis Riel Day, when we celebrate the betrayal and murder of the province's founding father by the federal government of the day. Good times.

    And, isn't that the exact same picture of your neighbourhood you posted last year?

  2. February is the bleakest of all months, because you know there is absolutely no reprieve from the weather for at least a month and a half. I live in central Ontario, so we avoid a bit of the cold you guys get, but the snow this year has been insane. I usually get a bit of cabin fever, but this year... well let's just say I haven't eaten anyone... yet.

  3. It was 77 here today. South Carolina winter...brrr! ;)

  4. Sean Robson said...
    And, isn't that the exact same picture of your neighbourhood you posted last year?

    No, but it may as well be, since it's just as miserable.

  5. John Williams said...
    February is the bleakest of all months, because you know there is absolutely no reprieve from the weather for at least a month and a half. I live in central Ontario, so we avoid a bit of the cold you guys get, but the snow this year has been insane. I usually get a bit of cabin fever, but this year... well let's just say I haven't eaten anyone... yet.

    At least you've got Family Day now...


  6. Trey said...
    It was 77 here today. South Carolina winter...brrr! ;)

    I think it was -17 here. In the sun. Trade? :D

  7. That's why we've got President's Day down here in the US, I suppose. March does need a statutory holiday for sure.

    Around my parts, winter's starting to pack up. It actually got up into the 50s this week. By March, winter's pretty much done save the occasional freak snow storm blowing through.

    Someone I know in Sask. summed up my feelings on you non-coastal Canadians and your winters succinctly:

    WHY THE HELL DO I LIVE HERE? Why does my mother live here? Why did her mother live here? Why did settlers decide to stay here? Why did the First Nations not pack their shit and leave forever ago? It makes no goddamn sense. This part of the world should be considered uninhabitable, yet here we are, dealing with it.

  8. sirlarkins said...
    That's why we've got President's Day down here in the US, I suppose. March does need a statutory holiday for sure.

    I don't think any of our Prime Ministers are beloved enough for us to designate a Prime Ministers day.


  9. You're welcome to join us in celebrating Texas Independence Day on March 2. This is an official state holiday, and most state government offices are closed.

  10. Family Day, that's kinda cool. Love the snow pictures. We just had two days of unseasonably warm sunshine. Our driveway went from an ice rink to pavement. But I know it won't last.

    Have a yummy day, Paladin.

  11. Desert Scribe said...
    You're welcome to join us in celebrating Texas Independence Day on March 2. This is an official state holiday, and most state government offices are closed.

    Sounds great! Independence from what, Mexico?

  12. The Happy Whisk said...
    Family Day, that's kinda cool. Love the snow pictures. We just had two days of unseasonably warm sunshine. Our driveway went from an ice rink to pavement. But I know it won't last.

    Have a yummy day, Paladin.

    No doubt we'll have another Chinook which will clear the streets. Thanks!

  13. I had to Google Chinook. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, bookshop closing sucks. We do have a Barnes in that area but the cafe isn't the greatest. We'll have to make due. Though there is a nice Wegman's cafe we sometimes use.

  14. Happily, there are several used book stores in Calgary, along with the Chapters chain of bookstores. How much longer they can survive considering the amazon and e-reader phenomenon is anyone's guess.
