Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weather, Politics and Religion

There are three topics you are supposed to avoid in polite company: weather, politics and religion (why they don't include sex in that list is beyond me). Yet it seems I engage in discussing all three topics on this blog. Here's another instance of my bad behaviour. This photo is a view of my street at 9:00 pm last night. Pretty dismal, I know. We've had a couple of snowfalls already this Autumn, (the last time being October 26) but this time it's the read deal. The weatherman's predicting cold and snow for the next five days, at least. Winter has finally arrived.


  1. This blog doesn't count as polite company, maybe? ;).

    Seriously, though, I feel for you, dude. That sucks in mid-November. But then, you do live Up North(TM).

    Here in the U.S. we are pretty much all convinced in our ignorance that Canada is just a huge snow-covered wasteland with gigantic pine trees! :p

  2. Any way to call in sick for the rest of the week and game all day with your buddies, who are also "sick"?

    I can write you a note if you need one? I am not a doctor, but I played one in Traveller many years ago.

  3. You can talk about the weather only if it's actually interesting lol and not "man it was sunny today wasn't it?"

  4. I have also played a Doctor, but not in Traveller. I can write you a note too.

  5. Impolite to talk about the weather? In the UK we wouldn't know what else to do! Then again, our weather isn't all that dramatic, so anything vaguely representing snow or heat gets lengthy discourse.

  6. I've never heard that it is impolite to talk about the weather. I was always told that it was women, politics and religion that were off the table.

    Regardless... I'm so glad I don't live in Calgary, although we're supposed to get 5-10 cm of snow here in Winnipeg tomorrow and lots more on the weekend so I might be breaking the shovel out soon myself :(

  7. Look on the bright side, only six more months of winter.

  8. Impolite? I think things only get interesting if one of those three are discussed.

  9. Six more months of winter, for Tim and me, as well. Though ... I really enjoy a big-ass snow day, when we don't have to be anywhere. Oh man, that's the life.
