Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tomb Of Freaking Horrors

"Your sputtering torchlight reveals a very unusual tunnel. Bright, brilliant colors can be seen everywhere, undimmed by the passage of time. The floor is a colorful mosaic of stone with a distinct winding path of red tiles snaking into the gloom beyond. No stonework can be seen on the walls or ceiling: some sort of plaster has been smoothed over the surfaces and upon it, painted scenes of animal-human hybrids going about their business. To your right, two jackal-headed figures appear to be holding a bronze chest. Beyond them, a painting of a barred door is manifest, with a horrid creature trapped within."

If your DM shows you this image, take my advice: run, do not walk, back the way you came, and never return. Welcome to the Tomb Of Horrors.

This illustration, another iconic piece of artwork by none other than David Trampier, again demonstrates what a genius he was.


  1. Every inch is filled with detail, atmosphere and realism. You look at this and it's like you're there. Which is a scary thought in itself.

    Tramp is the man. Nuff said.

  2. That's kind of a psychedelicly decorated hallway...which may only enhance its horror.

  3. The worst part of that hallway is that little box hanging between the Anubis guys. One of the most exquisite f**k you traps from dear old Acererak.

    I'll say no more, but I tell ya, it's impressive...

  4. Sheer, unmitigated frustration, that's the only way I can describe my experience with ToH.

  5. Leave and just steal the doors from the false entrances.

  6. Trampier's gorgeous, evocative art is part of why I've always so loved this module. Thank you for this series of posts on the great Tramp's art.

  7. I never got to play through ToH or Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, but I own both and their illustration booklets always fascinated me.

    Why was this left by the wayside in gaming? Or do any modern adventures include illustrations meant for players other than maps?

  8. Great stuff. Still have fond memories of ToH. Survived it with 50% party kill. :) @Telecanter -- I'm not sure, but I think some of the Hackmaster modules have pics to show to players. Am I misremembering?

  9. I've had 2 TP's with that adventure. One party walked out too far into the room that tipped you into the flames, and another got Squished on the roof of the Lich's Tomb.

    That's not to mention other guys who offed themselves in amusing ways, like jumping headlong into the mouth with the Sphere of Annihilation in it (with another one following to "See where he went".
