Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Local Bloggers

I'm just curious, how many of the bloggers you are following are actually in your home city or region?

Calgary's a fairly large city, of about 1 million people, and there at least 5 Calgary blog-sites, including mine, that are talking about D&D. The other blog-sites are:

P_Armstrong at Ode To Black Dougal and The Sandpoint Campaign

Alexis at The Tao of D&D

Rognar, Obiri and Derobane-bane at Roll For Initiative

Roger at Stirges Suck

Is that a fairly typical number of bloggers, for the size of city you live in? Roughly one blogger for every 200,000 people?

Strangely, I have not come across any bloggers from Edmonton, although maybe i'm just not looking hard enough.

Edit: Another Calgarian, K-Slacker, is also occasionally blogging at Barrier Peaks RPG, From The Ashes and Tempora Mutantur. K-Slacker, stop being a slacker and give us more posts!



  1. Indianapolis has a metro area of about 1.7 million (790,000+ in city limits), and we have a couple of bloggers, including Mad Brew Labs and a few guys that haven't posted in a long time.

    I have to think there's a few bloggers from Indianapolis who I'm unaware are actually from here.

  2. I believe it is just Rob (Bat in the Attic) and I (Gothridge Manor) in our town. We live in rural PA, so at times the cows outnumber the people. And as far as I know, the cows don't know how to blog.

  3. I'm the only gaming blogger I know of in the Tampa Bay area.

  4. To my knowledge, I am the only blogger in the ATL metro area.

  5. I'm from Sonoma County, and I haven't found any other bloggers (although wine blogs are off the charts) from the area. If there's anybody, contact me!

  6. The Sentry Box is a gaming Mecca that increases the number of local gamers. (Just a theory).

  7. I don't blog, but I don't know of any Houston-based gaming blogs, despite some well-known folks in OSR circles living in this region.

    (Verification word: "ablogr"... very funny!)

  8. I think despite the whole redneck stereotype of Calgary, it's actually a pretty nerdy place. There are thousands of geoscientists, engineers and IT geeks from all over Canada working in the oilpatch (our group is a good example). It's fertile ground for gamers.

  9. As far as I know, I am the only one in Camden, NJ

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I follow Carter's Cartopia here in Eugene, Oregon. :) Maybe there are other os blogs here, but I don't know about 'em.

  12. I know of only one other blog besides my three that focus on RPGs, Sandbox Empire, in the Twin Cities.

    There are a few others by comics writers and/or artists that occasionally touch on gaming, but none that are specific to the hobby.

    I'm surprised I haven't stumbled upon more considering Arneson, MAR Baker, and others were/are rooted here.

  13. @Jay: Jeff 'Chirine ba Kal' Berry's Tekumel blog is:

    ...and he is in Minneapolis.

    @All: I realised after the fact that I had deviated from the intended point of the post (jumping the gun, as it were), but I'm not aware of any other South Florida RPG bloggers.
    --Waves 'hello' to Blizack 'all the way up' in Tampa. :)

  14. I agree with Rognar in regard to Calgary being a fertile nerding ground for nerds to not breed. I have never had a tough time finding D&Ders in Calgary. After minimal efforts to find D&D people, we now the have best D&D group in the city... maybe the world....

  15. Besides myself and ze bulette, there is a third blogger in the Eugene-Springfield area: Carl, who blogs on "Warning - Mutagenic Substance" and "Behind the Screen." That makes three of us in a roughly 346,560 pop. urban area. (The city of Eugene itself is pop. 154,620, and I think that takes in me and ze bulette. Carl lives in Springfield though.)

  16. Although certainly not as prolific as in previous years, you can add me (K-Slacker) to your list of Calgary old-school bloggers.

  17. I come from a hive city (Metropolitan Manila- population: 20 million). Nonetheless, most of my old-school gaming buddies are not bloggers. The only (somewhat) like-minded blogger I know from hereabouts is Nikolas at the Game In the Brain blog ( Sadly, due to a very huge economic and social divide here where I live, RPGs in general aren't received by the population in general as a worthwhile endeavor.

  18. In my part of Pennsylvania (Lancaster), the cows do know how to blog. However, being Amish, they have no access to computers. I don't know of anyone else blogging in my area.

  19. I was really surprised at the number up your way, paladin. Don't think that's typical. Proly due it being too cold to go outside.

    I think there's 2-4 Austin, TX, USA area bloggers. Forget which ones though.

    Hmmm, not so active...

    Maybe I'm the only one left? Fear not my fallen brothers I shall fight on in your stead.

  20. I reckon there's a non-trivial number of gaming bloggers in Boston, I just don't recall who all they might be, short of the folks I know personally and game with. I know I've read a couple references to Pandemonium Books and Your Move Games here and there.

    Also, a shout out to the PA bloggers (in particular Western PA), which is my original home zone.

  21. @Timeshadows, thanks for the tip, I'll have to check it out!

  22. Here in LA I know me me, Zak S from the Gaming with Pornstars blog and Kevin of The Temple of Demogorgon. Not sure of any others. LA is huge, but there just aren't as many gamers as one would think. It's a weird, insular scene.

  23. I live about 30 miles North of Seattle in Snohomish County. I follow two bloggers from Seattle and one even closer.

    Geek Orthodox

    B/X Blackrazor

    "It's okay; Gary sent us."

    Oddly enough, I follow not only Paladin but also Ode to Black Dougal.

  24. I don't blog nearly as much as I'd like to, but now I know that there's at least one other blogger in the Tampa Bay Area!

  25. This is interesting to me. I had presumed that Calgary was typical of what was going on in the blogoshphere, but it seems all over the map: some areas have a high density of bloggers, while others, that I would have expected to be were not. Austin is a good example of the latter.

  26. Am I too late to the party?

    I don't know for 100% certainty, but I'm guessing I'm the only "old school RPG" blogger in Busan (pop. 3.6 million).

    I'll have to start blogging more about the RPG experience in Asia...that may be my niche.

  27. Never too late. You don't originally hail from Busan though, do you?

  28. I haven't been very active blogging lately, but I'm in California's central valley. LA is probably closest of places mentioned, but seems a universe away from here. The benefit of gaming here is that I seem to have 1 complete newbie every gaming session. It's fun to get to introduce people to gaming through simple, old school rules.
