Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just Scored Me Some Otherworld Pig-faced Orcs

I have been waiting for these miniatures for 4 months. Finally they arrived a couple of days ago at my FLGS! As I was paying for them, I told Don at The Sentry Box that he is my new hero. He said he'd like to bring more Otherworld figures into the store, particularly the Demon Idol miniature, modelled on the idol from the front cover of the original AD&D Players Handbook. If you are thinking of buying any Otherworld miniatures, let Don know, that may embolden him to bring that Demon Idol mini in as well, and have someone paint it up for the display case.

Now comes the fun part, painting these Pig-faced Orcs up, and getting them onto the table!


  1. Just going to the Otherworld miniatures site brings me way back. What I wouldn't give to have all those sets when runing B2 Keep on the Borderlands and the Caves of Chaos.

  2. They really are cool - silly me, I impulse ordered them a while back and only realized when I received them that they're 28mm when all of my others are 25mm. Well, Uber-Pig-Faced Orcs then!

  3. Wonderful minis! There's something great about pig-faced orcs!

  4. Nice! Definitely post some pics when they're done!

  5. Don is a nice guy. He is probably the nicest employee at the store.

  6. I promise to post some pics once these get painted, which I hope to do before the 19th.

  7. Thanks for the plug! I'm glad that you like your new Orcs.

    Feel free to suggest to Don that he contacts me about stocking Otherworld Miniatures. I would be happy to supply him direct.


    Richard Scott
    Otherworld Miniatures
