Monday, November 9, 2009

My Christmas List

It's that time of the year again: the time when loved ones ask us "so, what do you want for Christmas?"

Just to clarify, i'm not expecting any of my gentle readers to buy me a Christmas present. This blog entry is intended for me to keep track of, and advise my family members of, what I would like for Christmas, along with what it costs, and where it can be found.

Here is my Christmas list. As additional items occur to me, I will add them to this blog entry.

Ready Ref Sheets - $2 -
DW RPG: Prince of Darkness - $20 - The Sentry Box X
Legends of Steel: Savage Worlds Edition - $22 - Lulu
Thousand Suns - $25 - The Sentry Box
Diaspora - $35 - Lulu
Savage Worlds: Fantasy Toolkit - $20 - The Sentry Box X
Pig-Faced Orc Tribe Boxed Set - $100 - Otherworld Miniatures
Bloodletters of Khorne - $26 - The Sentry Box
Swords & Wizardry - $21 - Black Blade Publishing
Labyrinth Lord - $22 - Lulu
Dungeon Alphabet - $10 - Goodman Games
Gates to the Underworld - $13 - Dark City Games
Faery's Tale RPG - $10 - Green Ronin Publishing
Stonehell Dungeon - $13 - Lulu
More Hirst Arts Molds (201, 202, 205 and 210 in particular) - $29 each

If there is something out there, that is a "must buy" product, feel free to mention it!


  1. My Christmas list is going to start with Dragon Warriors and contain Legends of Steel BoL edition. Amongst other items. Several years ago, we started the tradition of exchanging Christmas lists. Works pretty well, except in some cases where I have to note where I saw an item. I ask for obscure stuff sometimes. Well, my wife thinks so...

  2. Thanks for the reminder, I meant to add DragonWarriors - Prince of Darkness to my list!

    Yes, sometimes my selections are a little obscure, and my wife simply has me buy my gift, wrap it and put it under the tree.

  3. We've done the buy it ourself thing too. Another thing we do is I add items to our Amazon wish list then she picks out a couple.

  4. I'm so wanting that Dungeon Alphabet by Goodman. $10 is a steal for something brimming with old-school styled artwork!!

  5. I agree. I'm frustrated that i'll have to wait until 2010 for this!
