Saturday, September 12, 2009

Old School Monsters: Pig-Faced Orcs Part II

Over at Back In '81, there is a discussion of old-school miniatures. Lo and behold, he has posted his painted Pig-Faced Orc WarBand (pictured above).

Those are awesome miniatures, and they boast a very nice paint job.

I have just put my order in with The Sentry Box, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my set of figs!


  1. nice, i've had some of these in my cart at NobleKnight... just a little bit longer...

  2. I love the Otherworld figs, I wish I could afford more of them. I'd pick up the gnolls, giants, trolls and harpies for a start

  3. I go through phases with minatures. I collect them then give them to Rob (Bat in the Attic). He's got a ton from me. Otherworld figs are nice and make me want to buy figs again. Damn them!
