Saturday, September 19, 2009

Murder Mystery Manual

Check out this great post on running a murder mystery role-playing game session.


  1. Thanks for the heads up and link. It was a great post. There is a 1E AD&D module, by Stuart Marshall, called "Melford Murder." It was a murder mystery, rather than an adventure, although there was a chase at the end (assuming the players solved the mystery). I used it and it went amazingly well; one of the best nights of gaming that I have had. I was worried, though, that the characters would either miss key clues or find the key clue first.

    Thanks again for the post and the link. Good stuff.

  2. Y'know, i'm not familiar with that adventure, though the name Stuart Marshall sounds vaguely familiar.

    Should I know that author?

  3. I believe it is the same Stuart Marshall who served as editor-in-chief for OSRIC, although I'm not sure.

  4. That's it. Thanks, I have a copy of OSRIC, that's why the name's familiar.

    I'm a little new to the online OS community, having only discovered it in the last several months (to my profound delight!)

  5. I'm a little new to the online OS community, having only discovered it in the last several months (to my profound delight! Me, too (as in also a little new and also delighted).
