Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Settlers Of Catan Supergame

In addition to playing a half-dozen Dungeons and Dragons sessions during my vacation, we played several Settlers of Catan games.

Here's one game, with a photo taken from the second floor loft of my Aunt's cabin. Starting on the left and going clockwise, a brother-in-law, a nephew, brother, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother, sister-in-law, and myself (the empty seat) are playing an eight-player game of Settlers.

My wife was playing, but she had to step away from the table as three of her nieces (from her side of the family) had just arrived and she was getting them organized and oriented into a spare bedroom, so one of my brothers-in-law took over her spot at the table.

We had two more relatives who wanted to play in the game, but there were only 8 sets of game-pieces. We have since rectified that situation, buying two more sets of game-pieces since my return home from the cabins. We can now play a 10-player game if the interest is there.


Zzarchov said...

If you are a big Catan fan, one of my most successful creations is an add-on to Catan (an extra deck of cards). Send me an email if you are interested and I will send you the files so you can print them on standard business card paper.

Cimmerian said...

That's a fun game. I was going to buy the new "America" version but at $60 I'll have to wait until I pass GO.

That looksl ike fun having that many players. Most I've had at the table for a Catan game is 4.